Welcome to my website. The site provides information on the various projects and initiatives that I find interesting and worthwhile. Having been involved with the Department of Computing and Information Technology (DCIT) since 2010, the AgriNeTT project since 2012, the Caribbean ICT Research Programme since 2016 provides a unique experience and insight into how technology can be useful for creating sustainable and innovative transformation.
I’ve participated in projects in partnership with various organisations such as CARDI (2016), IDRC (2014,2015), FAO (2018) among others. I have also worked across different thematic areas such as Open Data, ICT4D, Agriculture and Fisheries to name a few.
I’m excited by the prospect of using information and communication tools for improving the livelihoods and solving tangible and impactful problems. I believe that the solution for such initiatives are only valuable if the impact they create can be quantified, measured and repeated.
Finally, I am a Computer Science Researcher working in the area of applied machine learning. I am interested in Educational Data Mining, Software Engineering Architectures, Mobile and Web Applications and Accessibility within mobile devices.
I have taught the web, software engineering, e-commerce and ICT in business courses in DCIT over the last 7 years. I also supervise several undergraduate and postgraduate students in both practical and research-based projects. I have led several large software development projects for the various organisations highlighted.
The site provides a useful reference for understanding the variety of work that I have contributed to and the future opportunities I look forward to.